
Available Modes

Default: The standard monitor and checkout task. PX: Responsible for generating PX cookies for all your Walmart tasks. 1 PX tasks should generate cookies for up to 100 tasks. USER:PASS proxies are required. Maximum 15 PX tasks per key. Hardcoded delays. Cloud: Serves as your watch/checkout tasks for both Serverside and Monitor tasks. Tasks will attempt checkout once pinged by Serversided monitors or your created Monitor tasks Monitor: Monitor tasks used as a backup to Serverside or if your desired item is not monitored serverside.

Creating PX Tasks

Select PX mode and choose your desired proxy list (Must Be User:Pass). The rest of the inputted values can be random. Delays are hardcoded.

Cloud Tasks (Watch/Checkout Tasks)

Cloud tasks will attempt checkout once pinged by Serversided monitors or your created Monitor tasks. Currently uses SKUs and NOT tags. Setting a Max Price is recommended just in case.

Last updated